For French Translation Explorations: On the Parsha
Emanations: On the Jewish Holidays
For new book on holidays click here Rabbi Ari D. Kahn An in-depth analysis of the weekly parashah through the prism of rabbinic perspective Based on Rabbinic, kabbalistic, and Chasidic sources. The material found in Explorations has been available through known as Moray HaAish. Over 6000 subscribers and countless readers of been inspired and educated by the profound ideas discussed. Now the material has been updated and edited and is being made available by Targum press. Read Sample (or entire chapter) Bereshit -Genesis click here for purchasing information 
From the back flap: For many years, and in many forums, Rabbi Ari Kahn has been teaching the words of the Torah. Through his shiurim and his weekly email essays on the parashah, he has reached thousands of students. Finally, his deep and meaningful insights, the result of years of careful study and research, are available to all readers in Explorations. Drawing upon the vast reservoir of rabbinic literature -- from Talmud to Midrash, from Zohar to the chassidic masters -- Rabbi Kahn combines traditional understanding with new insights. The result is a beautiful mosaic of Torah learning. |